miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2017

Secuelas del accidente TDEP: Liam

In addition to the statement Greg wrote on behalf of all of us, here is my personal, scatterbrained and details-spared response to all of this:

I'm still processing some really complicated emotions, life is so beautiful, but it can be so scary at the edges.

Playing bass has saved my life so many times in so many ways, but two days ago, it quite literally helped save 12 souls on our bus.

I feel like I'm a witness at my own wake - the outpouring of genuine love and concern is truly overwhelming - I'm honored and humbled to have the opportunity to thank you all myself and share my reflections after surviving such a traumatic episode.
If you have something you want to do, some unfinished business, some relationship that needs mending - start today.
We always were and still are all one in this cosmos, the sooner you recognize that the better.
Seek first to understand before trying to be understood.
Strive for fulfillment, not accomplishment.
Create your own genre in whatever it is you do, fitting in is for the lazy.
Actively work through your problems, the more you don't the more your sucking up all the bandwidth for the rest of us who are trying to download some truth from the source.
Breathe deliberately and consciously, especially when the going gets tough.
Stop counting time and make time count.
Hold me and everyone you truly love to higher standards - if you don't, how is anyone ever going to trust you?
Sometimes you absolutely have to put the fun in funeral, humor is often the only tool we're left holding.
If you don't believe in a higher power, keep dosing yourself until you do.
Always strive to move in the direction of love, not fear. All we need is love, and I love you all.
Happy Valentines Day to everyone, but especially to Jessica and Ziggy, Daddy will be home soon!


Les pegó duro a la banda, a todos, la cosa no es fácil y significa mucho.para todos sus fans.

¿Volverán a Europa?

¿Acelerará el final?

Ahí estaremos, seguro

lunes, 13 de febrero de 2017

TDEP PostAccidente

By now I'm sure many of you have already heard the news, but we wanted to communicate to you all directly. Not just to express the fact that nobody is in critical condition, but to express our gratitude to the fans who have seen us or who were going to see us on this tour, the crew who was also in the accident with us and part of why things have been going so smoothly, the various promoters and venue staff, Live Nation Poland who have been so helpful in the last 38 hours, the many police and medics and emergency workers who came to the scene, the hospital workers, and the friends and family who have reached out to us personally since yesterday morning.

We were in the middle of playing some of our favorite shows we've ever played, and having a better time on and off stage than we have in a long time.

We were ripped out of sleep at 8:25AM to what still feels like a lucid nightmare. The cacophony of metal bending and things breaking and people screaming and what felt like being hit by a missile. Without going into detail, not everyone is out of the hospital yet, and some of us are hurt worse than others.

Questions like why did this happen, why are we alive and others not, why are the people from the Bay Area fire dead, why at all is anyone here or not. What the hell is all of this. Remember how valuable life is. We are all lucky to be alive. To just have any time at all. Anyway, thanks to you all for caring. We were truly having an amazing time and we're blessed to have you all, such a high caliber group of people. It's been an honor to play these shows, but we unfortunately have to cancel the remainder of them. We will reschedule every one that we can, and we'll update more when we can. - Greg, Ben, Liam, Billy, Kevin

Edit: There is no band gofundme account. Anything you may see comes from fan good will, not something we can control. We appreciate peoples' good will and intentions, and genuinely love that some of you truly care about us, but there is no gofundme that we have launched of our own accord. There are a lot of people that need charity in this world, this juvenile time in our species' existence is heartbreakingly still an externally grossly unfair and imbalanced place for all human beings with equally inherent worth to be born into. We are some of the fortunate ones for sure. But we cannot control what you initiate, and are appreciative, even while ridden with existential guilt.


La banda publicó estas palabras en facebook contándonos su visión del accidente y la cancelación del resto de la gira Europea. Lo charlé con Paola y esta consternada, pensaba verlos en dos ciudades más. Creo que fue afortunada de verlos.

Me alegro que estén bien.

domingo, 12 de febrero de 2017

The Dillinger Escape Plan Involved in Serious Bus Crash

The Dillinger Escape Plan, currently on the European leg of their farewell tour, were in a serious accident in Poland yesterday when a truck hit their bus from behind.
Thirteen people were injured in the crash and were sent to the hospital. Dillinger’s bus was parked when the accident happened, partially on the road and a shoulder, according to ITV.
The most seriously injured person was the driver of the truck, although the extent of those injuries has not yet been revealed. It appears that the band members and their crew are all OK save for some minor injuries according to Aneta Wlazlowska, a spokeswoman for Radomsko police, and that the hospital trip is mostly precautionary.


Metal Injection got in touch with Dillinger guitarist Ben Weinman, who gave the following update:
I spoke with Dillinger Escape Plan guitarist Ben Weinman about the current situation, and he said “Everyone is alive, a few injuries, but it could be much worse.” He explained that the bus was hit from the back, with the truck smashing through their gear before continuing to plow into the bus itself.
Tonight’s show in Krakow has been canceled and the rest of the tour is in doubt. While the band members seem to have escaped the accident intact, if the above photo (provided by Weinman) is any indication, their gear was completely destroyed.

La nota es tomada de Metal Injection, todos salieron ilesos,
La mujer de Ben esta bien, también, justamente esta embarazada.

Fue tenaz el susto

lunes, 6 de febrero de 2017

The Dillinger Escape Plan en Hamburg

Esta vez no tenemos reporte directo de nuestro corresponsal en Alemania, sin embargo, si buenas fotos y algunos comentarios en esta conversación parafraseada:

Paola: Los vi el 29 de enero
Defenzor: Tremendas fotos
D: ¿Qué tal el show?
P: Estuvo bien, pero para ser el de despidida me pareció muy corto, no fue tan apasionado como el de Bogotá, ni la primera vez que los vi acá. De las cuatro veces que los he visto, está en el 3 puesto de los shows
D: En serio?
P: Yo los amo con toda mi alma y los amaré así den Shows promedio o sin tantas ganas como este ultimo, pero en comparación a lo que vi de ellos incluyendo show de luces intro, ingeniero de sonido, el show estuvo muy no se...  Ben tocó el keyboard para Mouth of Gosht
D: De pronto es eso, ya están cansados
P: Sii, de pronto... Eso pensé
D: Que envidia te tengo. ¿Completaste 4 veces cierto?
P: Siii, Quería verlos mas.

P: El día que vinieron a Hamburg los esperamos a la salida, quería autógrafos, pero luego de una hora no salían. Estaba lloviendo y el último tren salía en 10 min.
Nos fuimos cuando los del staff estaban empacando los instrumentos. Y ya, además si me imaginaba que no iban a tener ganas de que los fans los molestaran

D: Ah rayos. Pero los viste!
P: Sii, abrieron con Limereth death y cerraron con Sunshine the werewolf y 43%
El setlist estuvo bien, tocaron algunas buenas del nuevo pero no mis favoritas como Wanting not so much... o la misma Dissociation pero pues ahora después de Dissociation que me encanta
Tocaron mas del One of us... (que ya no me gusta tanto) Hahah. Mis favoritas me falto mas del Option Parálisis y del Ire Woks propio

Se me hizo muy corto menos de 90 min y hubo un par de saltos al público por parte de Greg y Ben pero nada wow como en el 2013 que los vi o en el Simón.

En la página habían publicado que la fecha del concierto era el 30 pero en realidad era el 29 y mandaron un mensaje a las 7pm de ese día diciendo que era un error
Pero había un par de gente que venía de otras ciudades y pues nada se quedaron sin show
Al final Ben casi se cae por andar haciendo un rif sobre la batería o al lado mejor, y era la última canción se enrabono boto la batería y se fue sin despedirse, sin dar las gracias detrás se fue Greg y si se se les notaba que no tenían ganas

No fue como en Bogotá que se tomaron fotos abrazados con el público en el fondo ni dijeron see you later. Los únicos amables que dijeron chao ahah fueron Billy que siempre da la mano al final y tira los palitos de bateria y Kevin
De resto fue en menos de nada que se fueron
Dentro del mismo concierto se les fue el sonido del micrófono de Greg como dos veces y el keyboard de Benjamin no sonaba, también estaba molesto por eso

D: Rayos fue una mala experiencia entonces
P: Pues no sé si para ellos, yo estaba feliz así no haya sido su mejor show.
Pero pienso que mis expectativas eran muy altas, de pronto como concierto de despedida y todo pero, pues si estoy más que segura que la falta de ganas ha influyó para que se separen
Se nota
Ellos no querían seguir haciendo las cosas mediocres o por hacer
D: Si ya no
P: Igual su música siempre será inigualable y yo los seguiré amando

Esto fue lo que tocaron:

Limerent Death
Panasonic Youth
Symptom of Terminal Illness
When I Lost My Bet
Sugar Coated Sour
Black Bubblegum
Hero of the Soviet Union
Milk Lizard
Low Feels Blvd
One of Us Is the Killer
Nothing to Forget
Farewell, Mona Lisa


Mouth of Ghosts
Sunshine the Werewolf
43% Burnt