miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2017

Secuelas del accidente TDEP: Liam

In addition to the statement Greg wrote on behalf of all of us, here is my personal, scatterbrained and details-spared response to all of this:

I'm still processing some really complicated emotions, life is so beautiful, but it can be so scary at the edges.

Playing bass has saved my life so many times in so many ways, but two days ago, it quite literally helped save 12 souls on our bus.

I feel like I'm a witness at my own wake - the outpouring of genuine love and concern is truly overwhelming - I'm honored and humbled to have the opportunity to thank you all myself and share my reflections after surviving such a traumatic episode.
If you have something you want to do, some unfinished business, some relationship that needs mending - start today.
We always were and still are all one in this cosmos, the sooner you recognize that the better.
Seek first to understand before trying to be understood.
Strive for fulfillment, not accomplishment.
Create your own genre in whatever it is you do, fitting in is for the lazy.
Actively work through your problems, the more you don't the more your sucking up all the bandwidth for the rest of us who are trying to download some truth from the source.
Breathe deliberately and consciously, especially when the going gets tough.
Stop counting time and make time count.
Hold me and everyone you truly love to higher standards - if you don't, how is anyone ever going to trust you?
Sometimes you absolutely have to put the fun in funeral, humor is often the only tool we're left holding.
If you don't believe in a higher power, keep dosing yourself until you do.
Always strive to move in the direction of love, not fear. All we need is love, and I love you all.
Happy Valentines Day to everyone, but especially to Jessica and Ziggy, Daddy will be home soon!


Les pegó duro a la banda, a todos, la cosa no es fácil y significa mucho.para todos sus fans.

¿Volverán a Europa?

¿Acelerará el final?

Ahí estaremos, seguro

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